The Most Overlooked Copywriting Superpower

Matt Snyder
Nov 5, 2020
Black and white photo of a crowd at part of a peaceful racial justice protest.
Photo by Kelly Lacy from Pexels

Empathy is a copywriting superpower.

It’s caught, not taught.
And it’s caught by intentionally spending time with other people.

Never forget there is another human on the other side of the words you write.

Human beings aren’t algorithms. We’re a unique combination of fears, worries, hopes, dreams, and perspectives on the world.

So if you’re feeling stuck on how to communicate to a particular audience, go spend time with those people.

Yes, even if you’re an introvert.

(As a writer, it’d do you good to get out of the house anyway.)

Because like I said, empathy is caught, not taught.
And to catch it, you need to step outside yourself.

What are you waiting for? Your copywriting superpower is waiting outside.

Graphic of a quote from the article.



Matt Snyder

Writer, marketer, expert folder of the fitted sheet. Leader of this movement for kindness: